Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones: your bone health

When Sophy Kohler had her first, and as it turned out last, ju-jitsu lesson, the martial arts instructor fractured her sternum. Kohler, who is now 29 and works in publishing, felt “strangely thankful” towards him, because it led to her diagnosis…

Don't Foam-Roll-Massage your Iliotibial Band (IT Band)

Foam rolling has become increasingly popular as a method of self-massage in an effort to work out muscle knots and tension. However, rolling out your iliotibial band, up and down, is likely to make you grimace in pain.Anatomically, the IT band…

Unlocking the body's ability to heal itself

Every parent wants a healthy child, and a functioning immune system is one of the keys to a healthy child who will resist infections, allergies, and chronic illnesses. A healthy immune system is resilient to disease and infection.Some children…

Osteopathy Treats Groin Strain/Injury

“Good osteopathy is not only receiving treatment. An osteopath will also give you good advice on avoiding the condition for which you are being treated and can often detect the signs of impending trouble. Good coaches and athletes should…

Osteopathy – hands-on therapy for your child

‘As the twig is bent, so grows the tree’ ~ William Garner Sutherland (1873 – 1954) founder of cranial osteopathyOsteopathic philosophy is based on the idea that the body works best when it moves as nature intended.FROM THE BEGINNINGBirthing…

Osteopathic treatment for fertility

While modern technology enables doctors to enhance parts of the conception process, the price tag is high and investigations do not always find the reason for infertility. However, in recent years, health care consciousness is shifting from…

Static Pull-ups – Key to neck and shoulder health

“You can’t fire a cannon from a canoe.”This expression, refers to the fact that the production of great force requires a solid platform — a concept that holds as true for the human body as it does for artillery.The scapula is commonly…

Osteopathy Treats Constipation

Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. So passing stools less than usual could be a sign of constipation. Other symptoms of constipation may include stomach ache and cramps, feeling bloated, feeling sick,…

Osteopathy Treats Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis symptoms most often include a deep aching pain that concentrates on the outside of the hip joint at the top of the outer thigh. This sometimes includes buttock pain which may extend down the outside of the leg towards the knee.…

Osteopathy Treats Hip Pain

Osteopathy Treats Hip Pain. The hip joint is vital to the movement and essential for weight bearing capabilities because it acts as the connection between the legs and torso. As a integral component of the pelvis, the hip joint is strong and…