Can a person who has had back surgery see an Osteopath?

Can a person who has had back surgery see an Osteopath? Osteopathy is beneficial for post-surgical rehabilitative care as it offers gentle, non-invasive treatment which promotes the natural healing processes of the body. In addition to this…

Why is osteopathic care so important as we age?

Why is osteopathic care so important as we age? The changes of old age are inevitable, however we can delay them.Osteopathic care is extremely important for the maturing and elderly adult because of the dramatic changes that occur in the body…

Why do children need osteopathic care?

Why do children need osteopathic care? In the event that a baby’s body has become strained at birth and this strain is not resolved, it will cause the baby’s whole body to grow in an unbalanced way.As a consequence, structures within the…

What is the difference between Osteopathy and Body Stress Release?

OsteopathyAll osteopaths complete a 4-year degree, and in South Africa they are registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa. This qualifies them to practise osteopathy under the title of ‘Doctor’. Osteopaths have…

What is the difference between osteopaths and chiropractors and physiotherapists?

Osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists treat the same conditions with different approaches. If you’re thinking you may need to see a chiropractor or physiotherapist, then seeing an osteopath is suitable. Many of our patients have…

What Is The Difference Between Cranial Osteopathy And Cranio-Sacral Therapy?

All Osteopaths complete up to 5 years medical degree training and in South Africa are registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa .This qualifies them to practice osteopathy and in South Africa under the title of Doctor.The…

What Is The Difference Between An Osteopath (Osteopathy) And A Chiropractor (Chiropractic)?

Originally Osteopathy was founded in 1874 by Dr Andrew Taylor Still, an American medical doctor. One of Dr Still’s students was Daniel David Palmer who founded Chiropractic in 1895. The association between Dr Still and Palmer is not usually…

What Are The Benefits Of Osteopathy For The Workplace/Bad Posture From Spending Time Behind The Desk?

What Are The Benefits Of Osteopathy? Millions of working days are lost each year through back pain and RSI (repetitive strain injury), at great cost to the economy. Timely and appropriate osteopathic preventative care would save your business…

Other Questions

There are many other questions that are frequently asked, for example; What is the best position to sleep in? How often should I do exercises? Are there any supplements I should take for my joints? What is a slipped disc? What causes sciatica?All…

Workplace Office

Workplace Office - Sedentary occupations that involve static positions with poor seating, such as at a computer or driving for prolonged periods, will develop into a habitual, altered posture.These types of postures will place strain and cause…