Myofascial Inner knee pain & stiffness

“Osteopathy is based on the perfection of nature’s work. When all parts of the human body are in line we have health. When they are not the effect is disease. When the parts are readjusted disease gives place to health. The work…

Teeth grinding – Bruxism

“The mechanical principles on which Osteopathy is based are as old as the universe” - Philosophy of OsteopathyTeeth grinding (Bruxism) is in an involuntary habit of clenching or grinding in a back-and-forth or sideways movement of…

Breathe better

“Osteopathy is based on the perfection of Nature’s work. When all parts of the human body are in line we have health. When they are not the effect is disease.”Dr.A.T. Still - Osteopathy Research and PracticeWhether due to allergies or…

Chronic Pain – chronic pain meds

After 10 years of chronic pain and having exhausted all types of medical practitioners and chronic pain meds, it has taken just 2 months of visits to Guy to get me to a very place. A few more and I’ll be ready to take on the world again!…

Sinus and other problems

I haven’t taken antibiotics for 4 years now that I see Dr Ashburner for sinus and other problems. It feels so good to fix issues without having to take medicine.Tony Romer-LeeView a list of common complains that Osteopathy can assist withDiscovery…

Neck Circles – Neck Rolls

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”Thomas a. EdisonNeck Circles or Neck Rolls are a warm up movement sometimes…

Neck Circles – Neck Rolls

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”Thomas a. EdisonNeck Circles or Neck Rolls are a warm up movement sometimes…

Trapped Nerve in the neck

Look well to the spine for the cause of disease - Hippocrates (450 B.C) Father of modern medicineA trapped nerve (pinched or impinged nerve) is the result of pressure being applied to a nerve. The symptoms of a trapped nerve in the neck can…

pain free functioning

I am 59 years of age.I would like to thank Guy Ashburner for helping my body return to a state of pain free functioning in a short series of 5 sessions.A few months ago I was about to embark on a rigorous physical and mental journey in a rural…

Burpees – Balancing the risk vs. reward

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”Jim RohnThe Burpee is an exercise that was devised by Royal H. Burpee, an American psychologist in the 1930s. It was originally used as a“Burpees test” which…