Asthma – Chest Infection

I was told of osteopathy for young babies and new mothers by a friend, who had a very positive experience, whilst my son was in the Special Care Babies Unit having had assistance in breathing following a caesarean birth.

Within the first few days my son was on antibiotics and this continued in his first two years of his life on a almost monthly basis, for ear, nose, throat and skin infections. He was treated for eczema by the time he was 3 months. He was put on puffer permanently at 3 months and diagnosed with asthma by the time he was 1year old.

I had tried with conventional medicine and was not happy with the level of medication. When I found out he was highly allergic to a range of items at age 2 years 6 months, I made it a priority to try and take back some control, and understood that the immune system needed a holistic approach.

I came to osteopathy with great hope and have found it. My son, has less frequent and severe colds, which rarely cause infections of the chest. When he is ill, he can fight it himself, and is ill for shorter periods of time, with lower temperatures, and less frequent temperature spikes.

Since beginning treatment, when he does need antibiotics, one course is sufficient. Gone are the days when he will be on 3 or 4 courses of antibiotics in 8 weeks, the only solution my GP or the hospital could offer me.

I feel I have achieved my aim for my son, and it is clear that his immune system is now stronger having had the opportunity to work for itself. Whilst I need to use an anti-histamine in the summer, I do not for the rest of the year.

He has more relaxed breathing and better sleep pattern at night. Also, I do not need to use his puffers as frequently, and his eczema whilst present is under control without medication.

This can only be a good thing for him thanks to paediatric osteopathy and Guy Ashburner. My son looks forward to his treatment and says it make him feel better. I can’t say better than that.

Jackie Flynn (& son Ethan) Mother

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