Mindfulness Meditation Improves Emotional Intelligence

Why train Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? Jobs such as those in sales and customer service in which emotional competencies obviously make a big difference, we already intuitively know. What surprised Google was they discovered that this is true…

Thinking Straight

In today’s fast paced world, poor posture is a common ailment. With these tips, you’ll be standing tall in no time.The human body is not designed to sit for extended periods of time. Our ancestors spent most of their time on their…

Can trampolines hurt your spine?

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that trampolines should not be used by any child except for training programs and certain sports – and only then when supervised by a trained adult.Some of the fun and benefits listed by trampoline…

Convalescence and osteopathic rehabilitation

‘Complete rest will result in decreased endurance levels through reduced muscle strength, metabolic activity and circulation. This can cause a sense of fatigue, affecting the patient’s motivation and leading to a vicious cycle of greater…

Spirituality within the origin of Osteopathy

“Osteopathy is based on the perfection of Nature’s work. When all parts of the human body are in line we have health. When they are not the effect is disease.Osteopathy Research and Practice. A.T.StillAndrew Taylor Still, MD, DO (1828-1917)…

What Is Osteopathy?

What Is Osteopathy? The mechanical principles on which osteopathy are based are as old as the universe. (Dr Andrew Taylor Still, 1874) Osteopathy is an established system of complete medical practice, diagnosis and treatment, as recognised by…


Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the breastbone (Sternum)..Tietze’s syndrome happens when there is swelling along with the pain.People with Costochondritis often experience chest pain in the area…

Squats may help your back

“Very few exercises are as natural as the squat. Since the very beginning of time, man has been squatting down to pick berries, gather food, light fires and cook. It makes sense then that the squat builds pure functional strength. Not only…

Psoas Pain & Dysfunction

‘The Psoas is the only ‘muscle’ to connect the spine to the legs. It is responsible for holding us upright, and allows us to lift our legs in order to walk. A healthily functioning psoas stabilizes the spine and provides support through…

Tech-Neck in children and young adults

‘It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity’Albert EinsteinTech neck or straight neck is a term to describe the repeated stress to the body (especially the neck) caused by children spending increasing…