Boost your immune system as Nature intended

It becomes clear that maintaining the immune system is the key to maintaining health and longevity.“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and…


Insomnia is a sleeping disorder. Signs and symptoms may include difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night or the inability to get back to sleep after waking up.To find Health should be the object of the physician. Anyone can find…

Chronic Stress and the Immune System

The spinal cord as organizer of disease processes” Korr IM. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1976 Sep;76(1):35-45The stress response is a natural response to help us deal with challenging situations. When the stressresponse is triggered specific physiological…

Are you a flowing river or a stagnant pond?

We conclude that when the fluids of the body are stopped in the fascia, organs and other parts of the system, stagnation, fermentation, heat and general confusion will follow . . .Dr. A.T. Still, D.O. —Osteopathy Research and PracticeIn the…

Resistance training in adolescence and youth

‘Current research indicates that resistance training can be a safe, effective and worthwhile activity for children and adolescents provided that qualified professionals supervise all training sessions and provide age-appropriate instruction…

Burpees – Balancing the risk vs. reward

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”Jim RohnThe Burpee is an exercise that was devised by Royal H. Burpee, an American psychologist in the 1930s. It was originally used as a“Burpees test” which…

Chronic Shoulder Tension

“When you have adjusted the physical to its normal demands nature supplies the remainder”Dr A T Still, Founder of Osteopathy. 1874Chronic tension in the neck and shoulders is an extremely common complaint amongst many people, and…

Morning Stiffness

“We conclude that when the fluids of the body are stopped in the fascia, organs and other parts of the system, stagnation, fermentation, heat and general confusion will follow . . .”Dr. A.T. Still, D.O. (Founder of Osteopathy) 1874Do you…

Tackling in Children’s Rugby

“Teaching proper tackle technique is imperative to allow players to be successful and run a low risk of injury”Hendricks and Lambert, 2010Many youngsters enjoy rugby, especially playing rugby. Tackling in rugby is an art form, that when…

Dangers of Over Stretching

“Stretching may increase your flexibility, but you will most likely be weaker and the results are often short-lived. In 2004, a report published by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) questioned the efficacy of stretching; noting…