Testimonial Shaamilah Suleman – Medical Doctor

After trying everything a desperate new parent can think off to quieten a screaming child, i took the advice of my cousin and contacted Guy Ashburner. I took my one month old baby for two sessions of paediatric osteopathy and can happily say that she no longer screams from 12pm to 4am every night. Guy helped me to understand that the effects of birth on baby can cause different symptoms due to tension in the bony structures and irritation of underlying membranes and nerves. I noticed that she was much calmer and there was a definite decrease in colic symptoms after the first session and even more after the second. She also had less milk being regurgitated and her sleep improved as well. I can definitely recommend Guy Ashburner to parents who struggle with a colicky baby. I also urge ALL parents to take their babies for osteopathy especially those moms who had assisted deliveries."

Shaamilah Suleman – Medical Doctor

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