Hip – Groin Pain – Repetitive Strain – Athlete

I have suffered from hip discomfort and pain for a few years now.

Waterpolo was a big part of my everyday life. April 2013 I sought help from a hip specialist, I went for X rays and MRI scans on both hips. He told me that I had Labral tears in both hips; he said my hip joints were too shallow and it was hereditary. I was told that I would need surgery (age 16), and would never be able to run, swim or cycle, only “calm walks”, and that I would need a hip replacement later.

Due to only being 16, I tried everything else to avoid surgery until it was my last resort. I had cortisone injections to try encourage the healing of my “tears” on their own. I stopped exercising completely, went to osteopathy with another Dr. Simple things, such as walking around the mall or sitting down for a while was painful, with never-ending aches.

After a year and a half of trying to heal the tears on their own, I went to see another hip specialist. He told me the same thing, Labral tears and that I need to operate to solve the problem.

I booked my surgery for January 2015. However when the surgery was over, I was told that I actually do not have any Labral tears and what they had seen on the MRI scans were not actually tears. Both the doctors that I had been to see discussed my hips and could not come to a conclusion about what was wrong, nobody knew what it was. They scheduled me in an emergency appointment with the head of hips in South Africa in Johannesburg. Before flying to this appointment my Mom suggested I see Dr Ashburner. After the first few appointments, I was sore afterwards but it got better each time. After only a few sessions I could walk without any pain and now I am exercising again. Dr Ashburner found that it was a stressed muscle in my hips and it was not bone related.

I feel very positive about the future and after a long road I am better again. In a matter of a few months, I am a hundreds times better and would definitely recommend Dr Ashburner before any other doctors.

Tayla Cary

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