Osteopathy Evidence and Research

The first South African osteopathic regulatory Act was passed in 1974; as the Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Osteopaths and Herbalists Act, 1974. Ironically, this is exactly 100 years since Osteopathy was founded by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in 1874…

Osteopathy treats Headaches

Common Causes of HeadacheHeadache originating from the neck is the most common type of headache. Other varied causes are eyestrain, sinus disease, neck injury (eg. Whiplash), tension headache from stress, poor posture, etc, migraines, jaw misalignment…

Osteopathy helps Behavioural and Learning Difficulties

Osteopathy helps Behavioural and Learning Difficulties and can often help a child settle down, improve their sleep, sit still for longer periods and therefore develop better concentration and learning. The onset began as a baby with a need…

Osteopathy Treats Heel Pain

Osteopathy Treats Heel pain can be caused by a range of conditions, the most common of which is plantar fasciitis, a condition largely affecting runners. Created by mechanical problems with the foot, including excessive pronation or supination,…

Osteopathy helps Behavioural and Learning Difficulties

Osteopathy helps with Prematurity - babies can gain great benefit from paediatric osteopathy treatment. Guy has worked at Barnet General Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit and children’s wards.View a list of common complains that Osteopathy…

Osteopathy Treats Infections

Osteopathy Treats Infections which will promote a good blood supply and free drainage of waste products away from the area in order to assist the body fight infections efficiently.Tensions and restrictions within the upper ribs will reduce the…

'Pushy Parents Play Role In Injuries' High Risk Of Brain Damage In School Rugby – Experts

Pushy parents play a big role in injuries High risk of brain damage in school rugby - expertsInterference and pressure from parents, also known as ‘ugly parents syndrome’ has been known to contribute to sporting injuries in young…

Osteopathy helps Behavioural and Learning Difficulties

Osteopathy Treats Asthma - There are a multitude of causes to asthma. Unfortunately asthma is an increasing problem in children today.Osteopathic treatment of asthma is focused at improving rib cage function and increasing lung capacity therefore…

Osteopathy Treats Lower Back Pain

Osteopathy Treats Lower Back Pain - Over 80% of people will have low back pain at some point in their lives and in most developed countries, it is the leading cause of absenteeism from work costing millions in lost production and time off. Most…

Adults benefiting from Osteopathy

Osteopathy is most commonly known for assisting in the treatment of ‘bad backs’, however, it is much broader than this and can help with a wide range of conditions including those such as arthritis and sciatica. At Osteopathy Cape Town we…